Mission Statement

Wheels on Fire tor Christ Ministry, Inc. name was derived from Daniel 7:9 NKJV. It is a motivational speaking, youth outreach, disability awareness and advocacy ministry that is non-denominational, fundamentally sound, and fully based upon the Word of God.

The main purpose of Wheels on Fire for Christ is to encourage, inspire, serve, and to fulfill The Great Commission (as stated in Matthew 28:16-20 and Mark 16:15-18) through Jesus Christ and through the Word of God! This ministry will reach out to individuals with disabilities, youth, and people in need. I have very strong feelings about this ministry. Since Jesus Christ came into my heart, the Holy Spirit has revealed to me that I have a great purpose in life. I will show others that they have a great purpose in life through Jesus Christ. I will achieve this by going and speaking to churches, youth groups, and hospitals, encouraging the people to get on fire for the Lord and sharing the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.

The secondary purpose of Wheels on Fire for Christ Ministry is to encourage youth, youth groups, and churches to become on Fire for Christ or to reignite their passion and Fire for God according to (Jeremiah 20:9, Psalm 39:3, Job 32:18-20, and Luke 3:16, Luke 24:31-32); to encourage them to overlook the challenges and hurdles in life and to give them confidence through the Word of God and through personal testimony; to remind them to look at the finish line and main goal in life as a Christian instead of the race or the situation that might hinder them from knowing God and Christ more personally and not just as a religion, but as their personal Lord and Savior. WOFFCM seeks to teach youth that they are never too young to serve Christ (1 Timothy 4:12) and that they have the authority to serve God (Titus 2:15). The utmost important fact a Christian should understand when going through stressful situations that seem to be never-ending is that nothing is impossible through Christ Who gives us strength as stated in Philippians 4:13. Christ will supply all our needs ( Philippians 4:19, 2 Corinthians 9:12, and Psalm 23:1). Jesus Christ has already paid the price and won the victory. Therefore, as God’s children, we have victory over Satan (Romans 16:20 and 1 John 2:14) This Division of the ministry is called “Ignite The Flame”.

The third purpose of Wheels on Fire for Christ Ministry is to provide a Christian-based martial arts programs for people with and without disabilities. The primary focus of the martial arts program is to teach self-defense in line with Christian principles and the Martial Arts Code of Conduct (Dojo Kun) to build self respect, self-esteem, and character while providing basic protection skills. Martial arts can be a great way achieve therapy that people, particularly youth, with disabilities can benefit from in addition to regular physical therapy. Wheels on Fire for Martial Arts intends to work one-on-one with the individual with a disability to develop an individualized training plan with doctor/therapist advisement in order for the person to achieve maximum effectiveness in the martial arts. In addition, self-defense classes will be held for women and youth with or without disabilities. (Philippians 4:13 and 2 Corinthians 12:9-10)

The fourth purpose of Wheels on Fire For Christ Ministry is to promote equality within the church for individuals with disabilities and to show through disability awareness within the church that though we have a disability we are equal. As it is stated in Ephesians 2:14 “For Christ himself has made peace between us Jews and you Gentiles by making us all one people. He has broken down the wall of hostility that used to separate us.” This division of Wheels on Fire for Christ will also promote equality for people with disabilities outside the church through Wheels on Fire for ADA. Wheels on Fire for ADA will advocate outside of the church for people with disabilities everywhere, regardless of race, creed, ethnicity, religion, or gender. Wheels on Fire for ADA will promote the American with Disabilities Act and work with national, state, and local agencies to ensure equal rights for all people with disabilities. This division of Wheels on Fire for Christ will address and fight current issues that face the disability community; educate the general community on disability issues; and promote and teach self-advocacy for people with disabilities. Wheels on Fire for ADA strongly believes in structural and intellectual universal design (equal access for all in building design, transportation, etc.) and equal rights for all within education and the community.

The fifth and final purpose of Wheels on Fire For Christ Ministry is called “FIREhouse 51” it is a women’s ministry and Bible study based on Galatians 5:1 to encourage women to break past the barriers that hinder their walk with Christ and to “stand fast” in the freedom Christ made available to us. Using a method of PREACH (Pray, Read, Endure, Armor up, Chat, and Heal), FIREhouse 51 will provide support to all women, particularly those who are broken and hurting, showing them the way to Christ and the way to freedom in Christ. FIREhouse 51 seeks to build women’s emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health so that they can enjoy victory in Jesus. This Final division of is headed by Erin Broadway, Scott Broadway’s wife.

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